Every three months Azzurri offers a round of free kindle give-aways.

During the months of March, June, September, and December, you can download a free title each week (5-day give-aways).

Check here regularly during these months for updates on the give-away schedule.

June, 2024 Free giveaway schedule

Milo and Meg are Solid - Will be free every Thursday, beginning Thurs, June 6, and every Thursday through June 27th

Key West - Special Edition - Friday, May 31st through Tuesday June 4.

Key West - The Companion Episodes - June 7 - 11 (Friday - Tuesday)

The Game to Show The Games - June 14 - 1 (Friday - Tuesday)

Funny Sexy Nanobots - June 21 - 25 (Friday - Tuesday)

It Is What It Is - June 28 - July 2 (Friday - Tuesday)

The Past is Going to Suck - Free Thursdays in March!

NOTE: The following books are not eligible for the free Kindle give-away (available worldwide in all ebook formats, rather than Kindle exclusive):

Floyd Schmoe; The Years of my Day

Peter Wick; How To Confuse A.I. (but check out the full audio-book free on our youtube channel)

Peter Wick's newest; Death And Saxophone - The Simple Displeasures Collection; Volume Two (available Tuesday, May 21)