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Peter Wick's blog Simple Displeasures has become a destination for thousands of readers. Wick's humor, sarcasm, satire, commentary, and short stories have brought laughter and fun to readers around the world. This collection brings the years 2017 through 2023 together, and caps it all off with a bonus; the previously unpublished - and hilarious - screenplay, Death and Saxophones. Enjoy this new collection from the writer one reviewer described as having, "A witty sense of humor."

How To Confuse A.I. (by Peter Wick)

50 years in the future technology has taken over, and the results are...hilarious!

5 Stars-ReadersFavorite:

How To Confuse A.I. by Peter Wick is a comedic take on the idea of an A.I.-driven society...The story has an abundance of plot twists that just kept on coming. I could not stop laughing whenever I came across Tyrell Elon Zuzerzos's name. The play on these names is hilarious. If you want to enjoy a light-hearted comedic story about man versus artificial intelligence, this book is for you. - Luwi Nyakansaila -ReadrersFavorite

(Click to read the full review)

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How to Confuse A.I. - The Audiobook

Join more than 90,000 people who have discovered the audiobook - narrated by Wick himself - free on Youtube.

The Years of My Day (by Floyd Schmoe)

Nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize, Floyd Schmoe was a naturalist, professor, author, and peace activist. He received the Japanese Order of The Sacred Treasure, for his work building homes in Hiroshima, Japan after the United States devastated the city with the first atomic bomb. Schmoe died in 2001 at the age of 105. In 2018 Japanese NHK Television produced a documentary about Floyd, titled, "Houses for Peace." After viewing the documentary, Peter Wick - who, prior to his divorce was related by marriage to the Schmoe family - began discussions with the family to publish Floyd's previously unpublished memoir.

Azzurri Bestsellers

Key West: Special Edition (by Peter Wick)

With thousands of copies sold across the Key West series (which is really just two books in various editions), the Special Edition brings together the original novel with prequel short story "The King of the Keys".
"Borders on riveting." - Amazon reader review

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The Game to Show the Games (by Morgan Wick)

Morgan Wick brings his expert analysis and storyteller's sensibility to this overview of how ESPN conquered the world. This engaging book is a must-have for sports lovers and media watchers.

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The Past is Going to Suck! (by Peter Wick)

Peter Wick brings his comic voice and the "real" history of the 20th Century together in this funny, irreverent book. "Clever, tongue-in-cheek humor" raves ReadersFavorite.com in their 5-star review.
"A book that never overstays its welcome and leaves you wanting a little bit more." - Manhattan Book Review

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